Agriculture and primary production

103 000
farmed hectares
5 200
265 MN.
annual egg production
840 000
tons of feed production
24. 2. 2025, IKR Agrár Kft.

IKR Agrár Expands Fertilizer Production Capacity

In addition to its own production, the company will offer its business partners the opportunity to manufacture, package, and store products. Whole article

21. 11. 2024, KVARTO s.r.o.

The new Kvarto Centre uses renewable energy

Conventional sources are not used for heating, the Centre uses the Enerbank system, a so-called bank of renewable sources. Whole article

7. 11. 2024, TOP HOP spol. s r.o.

Caring for our landscape by building irrigation systems

We are adapting to ongoing climate change. Our company Top Hop takes care of our landscape, so that we can preserve the tradition of hop growing. Whole article

17. 10. 2024, FARMTEC a.s.

FARMTEC introduced a new generation of vitalimeters for monitoring cow health

The new vitalimeter FA25 builds on the successful FA22 model, incorporating improved components and a new high quality identification chip. Whole article

10. 10. 2024, Agrofert Polska Sp. z o. o.

AGROFERT Polska to build modern grain storage complex

It will involve the construction of new technologies for cleaning, drying and storage of commodities such as corn, wheat, barley, etc. Whole article