AGRO Jevišovice, a.s.

The company AGRO Jevišovice, a.s., was founded in 1993. In 2010 it was transformed into joint stock company. The main activities of the company include crop production, dairy farming, secondary activities are the manufacture of compound feed or breeding Nile crocodiles.

Currently AGRO Jevišovice, operates a crop production at 6,800 hectares of farmland. The company is focused mainly on growing cash crops. The production includes mainly winter wheat, spring barley in malting quality, winter oilseed rape and maize. Other crop production is focused on those products, which are used as feed by livestock production of AGRO Jevišovice, which includes about 830 pieces of breeding cows at two farms. The farm also produces feed for cattle or feed mixtures for retailing.

Worth mentioning is the fact that the company AGRO Jevišovice is still the owner of Nile crocodiles breeding, which may be visited in the village of Jevišovice.

To the products of the company belong feed- and food-grains, oilseeds, feed mixtures or milk. At the same time, AGRO Jevišovice provides customers with services such as drying, cleaning and storage of cereals and oilseeds, freight services and also as service center for the New Holland equipment.


Commodities of plant origin

, Grains , Oilseeds

Commodities of animal origin

, Animals , Dairy cattle

Feedstuffs and feed components

, Complete feed mixture

Present on markets of:

  • Czech Republic


AGRO Jevišovice, a.s.

Jevišovice 102, 671 53 Jevišovice, Czech Republic
Company registration number: 49455958
Data box: vjujvnn

Email address:
Phone: +420515266711